

i love when my mundane work day is filled with the surprise of seeing people i know.  Recently, I have seen 10 people I know.  I will recount to you my tales of visits.

1:  I was walking to get waters, & saw someone i recognized, but i just couldn't put my finger on it.  Tallish, skinny as a rail, earrings, awful facial hair, dressed in clothes that would probably fit Hagrid.  This boy looked like he worked for the Mexican Cartel.  Then it hit me... I just saw my first boyfriend ever.  after slipping off the deep end, he returned to Utah.  Glad i didn't stick around to see that relationship play out.
2:  Just as I got off work, I saw Brother Hougaard walking out of Tai Pan, followed by his lovely sons, & then out walked Braden.  I have grown up with him, we dabbled in crushing on each other at one point, & I also was there for his first ticket.  It was so great to see him, & hear all about his farewell January 1st, everybody go!
3&4:  I stopped by tilting tree to look at some boardshorts.  (i know of a fine gentleman in need of new swimsuit.)  & I heard my name.  To my surprise, I saw Mckay Hartzell,  & Cole Engeman who i have probably not seen since 9th grade!
5:  Once again I was walking to get waters for the girls, & I came across Matt Holden!  It is always lovely to see him.  We talked about dance, & cinemagic.  Boy i miss being on team!
6:  A while later, I was looking up prices at work for the sale we are having, & in comes Becky!  such a beautiful sight.  We had a nice chat, & made plans for later that evening.  Seeing your best friend always brightens up a work day.
7:  Unexpectedly, Mrs. Kailin Beck came into downeast with her in laws! She was as beautiful as ever, & it was great to see her!
8:  Now last, but not least:  As I was turned with my back to the door helping someone with jewelry, I could tell there was someone standing beside me so I turned around in order to apologize for being in their way, & saw Jesse Jaeger!! I have not seen him in the longest time.  I miss him so much! It was so sweet of him to drop by to see if i was working after he dropped somethings off at plato's closet.  We had a little conversation about what is going on in life, but unfortunately i had to get back to work.

& those are the tales of the 8 people I have seen recently!  Wanna make my day? Come visit me at work, I'd love you forever!

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