
the gratitude challenge.

Write 10 physical abilities you are grateful for.
  1. The ability to dance
  2. The ability to cry
  3. The ability to walk
  4. The ability to live
  5. The ability to cook
  6. The ability to read
  7. The ability to think
  8. The ability to talk
  9. The ability to hear
  10. The ability to see
Write 10 material possessions you are grateful for.
  1. My scriptures
  2. My jewelry
  3. My computer
  4. My apartment
  5. My car
  6. My clothes
  7. My food
  8. My bed
  9. My dance shoes, costumes, & make up
  10. My journal
Write 10 living people you are grateful for.
  1. Alan Barney
  2. Michele Sorensen
  3. Brad Sorensen
  4. Bonnie Sorensen
  5. Peggy Naverette
  6. Kelli Ricks
  7. Nate Alder
  8. Brandon Hoefer
  9. President Monson
  10. J.K. Rowling
Write 10 deceased people you are grateful for.
  1. Jesus Christ
  2. President Hinckley
  3. Uncle Chilli Dog
  4. Grandy
  5. Gramps
  6. Grandpa Acomb
  7. Joseph Smith
  8. Michael Jackson
  9. Ginger Rogers
  10. Fred Astaire
Write 10 things about nature you are grateful for.
  1. Clouds
  2. Rain
  3. Thunder
  4. Flowers
  5. The smell after it rains
  6. Snow falling
  7. Rainbows
  8. The moon
  9. The stars
  10. The sun
Write 10 things about today you are grateful for.
  1. My parents
  2. My two grandmothers
  3. My roommates
  4. My best friends
  5. Not having school
  6. Glee
  7. Delicious Mexican food
  8. Feeling comfort from the Lord
  9. Learning lots of new lessons
  10. My fhe group
Write 10 places on earth you are grateful for.
  1. My home
  2. My apartment
  3. Church buildings
  4. The temple
  5. My relatives' homes
  6. The Barney home
  7. BYU campus
  8. Spain
  9. Poland
  10. France
Write 10 modern inventions you are grateful for.
  1. Cell phones
  2. The internet
  3. Computers
  4. Microwaves
  5. Electricity
  6. Indoor plumbing
  7. Blenders
  8. DVDs
  9. Heating systems
  10. Cars
Write 10 foods you are grateful for.
  1. Bajio burrito platters
  2. Smoothies
  3. Raspberries
  4. Oranges
  5. Chicken 
  6. Bagels
  7. Muffins
  8. Rice
  9. Pasta
  10. Salad
Write 10 things about the gospel you are grateful for.
  1. The Spirit
  2. Prayer
  3. The atonement
  4. My testimony
  5. The scriptures
  6. The prophet
  7. The always available comfort
  8. My Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ who love me
  9. The strength & happiness that comes from knowing that
  10. Countless blessings
That is 100 things i am grateful for & it doesn't even begin to scratch the surface.  Try it, it really puts in perspective, how blessed we truly are.

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